• ABSTRACT can be submitted ONLY in the system. E-mail submissions are not available.
• Please register first, prior to abstract submission.
Click [JOIN] in the upper right corner.
- Even if you registered in the PRESM(2018~2023), please register again to participate in PRESM2025.
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• When submitting the system, Please prepare following contents.
1. Author Information (Presenter, Corresponding author, Co-authors)
: Name, Affiliation, e-mail and Telephone
2. Abstract Information
(1) Title
(2) Keywords : maximum of six keywords in alphabetical order.
(3) Abstract : maximum of 400 words
(4) You can upload only ONE FIGURE or TABLE related to the abstract with appropriate title.
3. Acknowledgement
Checking the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT : Please check the official name of sponsor and subject(or Grant number) of the research